Articles Featuring the Yamaha YZF 750 »
Phil Rostron File on a very racy lady
Daily Mail
25 May 1996

Phil Rostron File on a very racy lady

TT TIME. All four-stroke, serial carousing and death-defying antics.

It's the annual assault on the Isle of Man, with every B & B booked solid and no chance of a spare place on any ferry.

The bikers' convention. Hell's Angels Rule OK.

Hell, all right. But wait. Now we have an angel.


Move over guys. Rome-born, Milan-based Francesca Romana Giorda...

Mitico Tourist Trophy
September 1996

Mitico Tourist Trophy

La gara che si disputa all'lsola di Man e' la piu' famosa, ma anche la piu' discussa al mondo. Giudicata pericolosa e anacronistica, attira comunque centinaia di piloti e decine di migliaia di spettatori. Ecco cos'e' veramente, nel racconto di una donna italiana che vi corre da anni.
di Francesca R. Giordano
foto di John Watterson ...

Francesca, Woman in Love with the TT Aura
Manx Independent
31 May 1996

Francesca, Woman in Love with the TT Aura

Francesca is completely in love with moterbikes. When she is not racing on them, or practicing for races, she is busy running an organisation called Associazione Difesa Moto, which she set up herself to promote the intrests of riders and encourage more of them to get together and enjoy some moterbike themed social activities. She even has her own TV show in Milan, where she plays host to guests who talk about bikes. But Francesca didn't start out to become a bike racer. Like her father before her she trained as an architect and only began riding bikes seriously six years ago.

More Favourable Press for the TT
Manx Independent
15 November 1996

More Favourable Press for the TT

THE TT races continue to receive excellent coverage worldwide, with three hours on the history of the races on Eurosport alone this week and another prime TV spot on the Channel 4 programs 'Ride On' on Tuesday evening. This latest article appeared in a recent edition of Italian bike magazine Tuttomoto, and consists of six full-colour pages on the 19...

La piu matta di noi due? Ma e quella con la moto!
17 August 1995

La piu' matta di noi due? Ma e' quella con la moto!

L'unico corridore motociclista donna su cilindrate superiori a 750 cc. ha scelto come base Milano. Anche se fisicamente si assomigliano molto, giurano di essere diversissime. Ma non e' vero: le accomuna una robusta dose di stavaganzanza.

The Fast Lady Who Knows No Fear
Mail on Sunday
25 May 1997

The Fast Lady Who Knows No Fear

SHE could be strutting her stuff on the Paris catwalk or reclining on a rock to model fashion swimwear.

She could, like her sister, Domiziana, have used her tumbling brunette curls, stunning figure and dazzling smile to launch herself as an actress.

But Francesca Romana Giordano chose to shun the glamour life. She prefers to drape herself acro...

Il Personaggio: Francesca Romana Giordano
November 1998

Il Personaggio: Francesca Romana Giordano

E' una donna vitale, eccentrica, bizzarra per scelta professionale e stile di vita. Basti dire che, per fare la motociclista di mestiere (tipo Biaggi, per intenderci) e andata ad abitare, lei romana di nome e di fatto, prima a Milano e poi in Inghilterra. E' pero' intelligente, colta ( credo detenga una laurea in architettura) e soprattutto assai si...